1. Waterproof
For many professional backpackers, they choose to buy hiking shoes because of this feature, which is unmatched by sports shoes or ordinary travel shoes. Most tourists pay more attention to the comfort of shoes, but pay less attention to the waterproof and breathability of shoes. According to professional tests, the time for a pair of wet feet to dissipate heat (in winter) is about 23 times that of dry feet. And outdoors, a pair of wet feet can easily get frostbite or other injuries. In addition, a pair of wet shoes is heavy, which adds to the burden of walking.
2. Slip resistance
The soles of hiking shoes are also very distinctive. Different manufacturers have designed different sole patterns according to their own research. Of course, most of them are mainly based on large corrugated shading, which helps to increase the anti-slip performance of the shoes. .
3. Foot protection function
In outdoor activities, whether it is mountain climbing or hiking, long-term, large-volume activities have formed a huge load on the feet. Therefore, hiking shoes should provide very good foot protection.
In addition to the above-mentioned waterproof and non-slip, hiking shoes must be designed and used to provide adequate protection for the ankles, toes and toes.
4. Durability
The first three indicators are mainly for comfort. For hiking shoes used in harsh outdoor environments, durability is also an essential indicator.