1. The size of shoes: outdoor camping, mountaineering, and weight-bearing hiking will encounter problems such as rugged roads. If you are active for a long time (more than half an hour), your feet will start to become hot and swollen. If you exercise too much, you may experience slight swelling. In addition, the weight will cause some damage to the feet when falling down the mountain, so hiking shoes must have a certain degree of looseness, so that the feet can be relaxed and comfortable. If the size of the hiking shoes is just right or tight, it will take more than ten minutes to walk down the mountain. It started to hurt.
2. Matching socks: When wearing hiking shoes, match some medium-thick cotton socks or functional outdoor socks, which are beneficial to perspiration and protection. Mainly do not wear slippery and thin nylon stockings.
3. Regarding size: There are often different standards for the number of hiking shoes. From the perspective of the size of shoes made in the United States, the size of men’s shoes and women’s shoes are separated. Although there are no special specifications for men’s/women’s shoes for UK and European sizes, The products are still divided into men’s shoes and women’s shoes. Men’s/women’s shoes do not have a certain index, as long as they fit comfortably, they are a good pair of shoes.